Thursday, May 1, 2008

Coat of Arms

Curt Gustafson

Lesson Template: Ed 333 spring 2008

1. Grade level: 8th

2. Title of the day’s lesson with a brief description:

Coat of Arms. The students will research different coat of arms used by different families. They will explore the different symbolism used with the items place on coat of arms. They will make their own coat of arms that represents them and their family.

3. Materials/resources needed:

30 copies Coat of Arms Meaning Worksheet

30 copies Coat of Arms Template Worksheet

30 copies Coat of Arms Agenda Sheet

Computer lab


Colored pencils





Color Paper

Writing Utensils

4. Teacher Preparation (tasks the teacher must do ahead of time:

Sign up for computer lab time

Collect art supplies

Print off worksheets

5. Minnesota Academic Strand(s) and sub-strand(s) addressed by your lesson:

4-8 World History: Classical Civilizations and World Regions 1000 BC – 600 AD

6. NCSS Strand(s) and substrand(s) addressed by your lesson:

Individual Development and Identify d. Identify and describe ways regional, ethnic, and national cultures influence individuals’ daily lives.

7. Goal(s) for today’s lesson:

Students will understand the importance of identification techniques used throughout time from the coat of arms in the past to drivers license in the present.

8. Objective(s) for today’s lesson:

Students will be able to lists the uses of a coat of arms in medieval Europe

Students will make a Coat of Arms that represents who they are.

9. Procedures

a. “Today class I’m going to start showing you a couple items that we use for identification purposes. (Show drivers license, student id, passport, and visa) Now they didn’t have cool things such as this. Does anyone know what some one used to identify themselves in the Dark Ages? (Brent - Their Coat of Arms) That is absolutely correct. Coats of Arms were taken up by families to represent their heritage and also to distinguish themselves in public and in battle. Originally Coats of Arms came from the Roman Legions. Each legion had its own sign, normally an animal that represented the legion. This was used to promote not only unity among the soldiers, but also to create a name for a legion and put fear into their enemies. Later on generals and nobles claimed the different symbols as their own, thus creating a family coat of arms. These emblems were used widely in medieval Europe as identification. Many noble families had a herald, which was a personal announcer. These heralds normally carried with them the family crest which was their coat of arms, as well as the family tree, to show the degree of nobility. They did this to show and prove how closely related they were to a king or high official. It was also used on the battle field to denote certain knights. This way their actions could be noted by those around them, in their quest of seeking fame and favor among other soldiers and nobles.(10 minutes)

b. First we are going to research different coat of arms used by people throughout the world, I want you to come up with at least 2 of your favorite emblems. These emblems can be those from the Medieval Era, or if you want to look at emblems that are from before or after that also works. But these need to be crests that represent a family and their heritage. After that we will be creating our own coat of arms to represent yourself and your family. We will first use a website to make practice emblems. This program we will just use to brainstorm ideas. Next we will go back to the classroom and create our own emblems. (5 minutes)

c. Computer lab

i. Research (15 minutes)

ii. Website Coat of arms (10 minutes)

d. Return back to the classroom, pass out Coat of Arms outline and Coat of Arms meaning worksheet. Have students create a coat of arms that represents them. They can use the meaning worksheet to get ideas of they might like on their coat of arms, or they can use ideas that they received from the computer activity they just completed.(25 minutes)

e. Class, for the remainder of the class, your homework for tomorrow is to write me a narrative story, of the history of your coat of arms. I want to know why you have the certain colors and pictures on your emblem. This is to be a 5 paragraph paper, size 14 fonts, double spaced. This will just be a rough draft, due next Tuesday, we will proof read and edit, and then Monday we will go to the computer lab to type it out. (20 minutes)

10. Assessment(s) used during lesson: Formal assessment will be done with narrative paper.

Coat of Arms Agenda

  • Find 2 Real coat of arms
    • Who are they for?
    • What country were they from?
    • Name one important thing the coat of arms was involved in. (battle, politics, merchant, what was important about it)?
    • Why did you pick them?

  • Coat of Arms
    • Create your own coat of arms
    • You may model it after the emblems researched or from the computer program. Or you may make up your own style
    • You may also use the Coat of Arms Meaning worksheet to if you want to get ideas or use examples from it for your own.

  • Story
    • 5 paragraph double spaced size 14 font
    • This is a story of how your family earned this coat of arms, what do your different pictures and colors mean to your medieval family. This is a fictional story since you are writing about your medieval family.
    • Rough draft we will peer review and edit Monday

Colors and Metals

Or, yellow or gold - Generosity.

Argent, white or silver - Peace and sincerity.

Sable or black - Constancy, sometimes grief.

Azure or blue - Loyalty and truth.

Gules or red - Military fortitude and magnanimity.

Vert or green - Hope, joy and sometimes loyalty in love.

Purpure, purple - Royal majesty, sovereignty and justice.

Tenne or tawney - Worthy ambition.

Murray or sanguine - Not hasty in battle, and yet a victor.

Heraldic Lines

Nebulee or Nebuly - The sea or water.

Engrailed and Invected - Earth or land.

Indented - Fire.

Dancette - Water.

Ragulee or Raguly - Difficulties which have been encountered.

Embattled - Fire or the walls of a fortress or town.


Chief - Dominion and authority.

Cross - Chevron - Protection.

Fess - Military belt or girdle of honor.

Bar - For "one who sets the bar of conscience, religion and honor against angry passions.

Pale - Military strength and fortitude.

Palet - Same as Pale.

Pile - Same as Pale.

Canton - Bearing of honor. When borne charged, it often contains some special symbols
granted by the sovereign in reward for the performance of eminent service.

Quarter - Bearing of honor. Similar to the Canton.

Bend - Defense or protection.

Battune Sinister - Marks a royal descent that is barred by illegitimacy from succession to
the throne.

Orle or Tressure - Preservation or protection.

Flasques - Given by a king for virtue and learning, and especially for service in embassage.

Voiders - Given to gentlewomen who have deserved highly.

Bordure or Border - Frequently adopted as a "difference" between relatives bearing the
same arms.

Gyron - Unity.

Common Charges

Lion - Deathless courage.

Tiger - Great fierceness and valor when enraged to combat; one whose resentment will be
dangerous if aroused.

Bear - Ferocity in the protection of kindred.

Wolf - Denotes valiant captains that do in the end gain their attempts after long sieges and
hard enterprises. One whom it is dangerous to assail or thwart.

Rhinoceros - Great ferocity when aroused.

Elephant - Courage and strength.

Heraldic Tiger - Same as Tiger.

Leopard - Valiant and hardy warrior.

Panther - As a lion may be said to signify a brave man, so may a panther a beautiful
woman, which, though fierce, is very tender and loving to her young, and will defend it
with the hazard of her life.

Horse - Readiness for all employments for king and country.

Bull or Ox - Valor and magnanimity.

Boar - A fierce combatant when at bay, and ceases fighting only with its life, and therefore
may be properly applied as the armorial bearing of a warrior.

Goat - Emblem of that martial man who wins a victory by the employment rather of policy
than valor.

Lamb - Gentleness and patience under suffering.

Ram - Authority.

Hares and Rabbits - One who enjoys a peaceable and retired life.

Squirrel - Sylvan retirement being the delight of its bearer.

Hedgehog - Provident provider.

Beaver - Industry and perseverance.

Fox - One who will use all that he may posses of sagacity, wit or wisdom in his own

Talbot, Mastiff and Greyhound - Courage, vigilancy and loyal fidelity.

Cat or Cat-A-Mountain - Liberty, vigilance, forecast and courage.

Camel - Docility, patience and indefatigable perseverance.

Bee - Well-governed industry.

Ant - Symbolizes a man of great labor, wisdom and providence.

Spider - Wisdom, labor and providence in all affairs.

Grasshopper - Wisdom and nobility.

House Snail - Deliberation and perseverance.

Double Eagle and Eagle - Signifies a man of action, ever more occupied in high and
weighty affairs, and one of lofty spirit, ingenious, speedy in apprehension and judicious in
matters of ambiguity.

Alerion - Signifies one who having been maimed and lamed in war, was thus prevented
from fully asserting his power.

Wings - Celebrity, sometimes protection or coverture.

Feathers (usually ostrich) - Willing obedience and serenity.

Falcon or Hawk - One eager or hot in the pursuit of an object much desired.

Hawks or Falcons Bells - One who feared not to signal his approach in either peace or

Owl - One who is vigilant and of acute wit.

Peacock - Beauty and pride of carriage.

Pelican - Devoted and self-sacrificing charity.

Stork - Filial duty, emblem of a grateful man.

Swan - A lover of poetry and harmony.

Goose and Duck - A man of many resources.

Gannet - To subsist by the wings of his virtue and merit, having little land to rest upon.

Swallow - One who is prompt and ready in the dispatch of his business.

Cock - Courage, always ready for battle, ready to fight to the death.

Dove - Loving constancy and peace.

Raven - One who, having derived little from his ancestors, has through Providence
become the architect of his own fortunes or one of an enduring constancy of nature.

Crow - Signifies a settled habitation and a quiet life.

Dolphin - Charity and a kind affection towards children.

Tortoise - Invulnerability to attack.

Unicorn - Extreme courage.

Griffin - Sets forth the property of a valorous soldier whose magnanimity is such that he
will dare all dangers, and even death itself, rather than become captive.

Dragon - A most valiant defender of treasure.

Cockatrice - Terror to all beholders.

Sphinx - Omniscience and secrecy.

Pegasus - Exceeding activity and energy of mind whereby one may mount to honour.

Harpy - Ferocity under provocation.

Mermaid - Eloquence.

Centuar - For those who have been eminent in the field.

Hydra - The conquest of a very powerful enemy.

Phoenix - Resurrection.

Stag, Hart, Buck and Deer - Policy, Peace and Harmony.

Horns and Antlers - Strength and Fortitude.

Escallop Shell - One who has made long journeys or voyages to far countries, who had
borne considerable naval command or who had gained great victories.

Other Shells - Protection of Providence.

Heart - Charity, sincerity.

Flaming Heart - Ardent affection.

Hand - Faith, sincerity and justice.

Red Hand - Usual mark for a baronet if borne on a small escutcheon.

Arm - A laborious and industrious person.

Gauntlet - Signify a man armed for the performance of martial enterprise.

Leg - Strength, stability and expedition.

Shoe - Same as Leg.

Foot - Same as leg.

Human Head - Honor.

Blackamoor Head - Deeds of prowess in the Crusades.

Skulls - Mortality.

Crossed Thigh-bones - Mortality.

Eye - Providence in Government.

Millstones - The mutual converse of human society.

Sceptre - Justice.

Trident - Maritime dominion.

Crown - Royal or seigniorial authority.

Celestial Crown - Heavenly reward.

Pastoral Crosier - The emblem of a shepherd’s watchfulness over his flock, and denotes
episcopal jurisdiction and authority.

Annulet or Finger Ring - Fidelity.

Lozenge - Honesty and constancy, also held to be a token of noble birth.

Billets - Their first bearer was a man who obtained credence, knowledge and faith in his
words and deeds, and who was secret in his affairs.

Pen - Emblematic of the liberal art of writing and of learned employments.

Inkhorn - Same as pen.

Harp - Contemplation.

Lyre - Same as harp.

Scythe - Hope of a fruitful harvest of things hoped for.

Sickle - Same as Scythe.

Anchor - Succor in extremity and the Christian symbol of hope.

Ship, Lumphiad or Galley - All such symbols would point to some notable expedition by
sea, by which, perhaps, the first bearers had become famous.

Cubes, squares or dice - Constancy, wisdom, verity probity, and equity.

Lozenge - Same as Cubes.

Axe -- Execution of military duty.

Purse - A frank and liberal steward of the blessings that God has bestowed .

Tower or Castle - Grandeur and solidity. Sometimes granted to one who has held one for
his king, or who has captured one by force or stratagem.

Bridge - Signifies a governor or magistrate.

Pillar or Column - Fortitude and constancy.

Snake - Wisdom.

Scaling Ladder - One who was fearless in attacking.

Crosses - Symbolic of some Christian experience or sentiment.

Trestles and stools - Hospitality.

Cushions - Marks of authority.

Angels, Cherubs and Seraphs - Dignity, glory and honor.

Estoiles - Emblems of God’s goodness or of some eminence in the first bearer above the
ruder sort of men.

Mullet - Denotes some Divine quality bestowed from above.

Gold Spur - Dignity of knighthood.

Silver Spur - An esquire.

Sun - Glory and splendor.

Crescent - Signifies one who has been enlightened and honored by the gracious aspect of
his sovereign.

Moon - Serene power over mundane actions.

Fire - Zeal.

Lightning - The effecting of some weighty business with great clarity and force.

Rocks - Safety, refuge and protection.

Portcullis - Effectual protection in emergency.

Hunting Horn - One who is fond of high pursuits.

Trumpet - Ready for the fray.

Cannon, Mortars, Cannon Balls and Grenades - Well bestowed on those who have dared
their terrors in sieges and battles.

Sword - Indicates the bearer to a just and generous pursuit of honor and virtue in warlike

Arrows and Arrowheads - Martial readiness.

Spear or Lance - Knightly service and devotion to honor.

Spear Heads or Pheons - Dexterity and nimbleness of wit to penetrate and understand
matters of highest consequence.

Shield - A defender.

Saddles, Stirrups and Spurs - Preparedness for active service.

Horse Shoe - Good luck.

Trunk of a Tree - An object of veneration.

Fusil - Travel and labour.

Shacklebolt - Victory in war.

Water Bougets - Conferred on those who had brought water to an army or besieged place.

Catharine Wheel - Emblem of one who is prepared to undergo great trials for the Christian

Escarbuncle - Supremacy.

Buckles - Victorious fidelity in authority.

Clarion or Rest - Same as Trumpet.

Beacons or Cressets - One who is watchful for the commonwealth or who gave the signal
in time of danger.

Chains - A reward for acceptable or weighty service.

Fusil of Yarn - Negotiation.

Fret - Persuasion

Gold Roundles - One who has been found worthy of trust and treasure.

White Roundles - Generosity.

Wheel - Fortune.

Cornucopia - Bounty of Natures gifts.

Chaplets and Wreaths - Granted for special service.

(Image at top is the Coat of Arm Template)

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